No Food Waste In Mbks’s Ramadan Bazaar, Says Mayor

20/03/2024 12:26 PM

KUCHING, March 20 (Bernama) -- There are no issues of food wastage happening in Kuching South City Council (MBKS)’s Ramadan bazaar, said Mayor Datuk Wee Hong Seng.

He said food traders at MBKS's one and only Ramadan bazaar located at the Stutong Community Market parking lot here, are well experienced in preparing the amount of food needed at certain times.

“The food traders there are very experienced and they know how much food will be consumed and how much to be sold during certain days or weekends.

“In fact, we can see that some of the traders waited until their trays were empty before topping up or cooking new batches of food. They are aware of the time, I think so far food waste is well controlled here,” he told Bernama.

A total of 160 stalls are available at MBKS’s Ramadan bazaar this year which run from March 12 to April 9.

Meanwhile, Wee hoped that food outlets that offered Ramadan buffets consider giving away their leftover food to their staff or the needy.

“The decision is theirs (on giving away leftovers). I think food outlets must have a good system where they only cook when the trays are going low and they can also charge customers for food waste,” he added.