Kedah KPDN aims 350 traders at BRR offering Rahmah Menu

29/03/2023 08:36 AM

PENDANG, March 29 (Bernama) – The Kedah enforcement unit of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) aims to have 350 traders offering  Rahmah menus at six Ramadan Rahmah Bazaar (BRR) sites in the state.

Its director, Affendi Rajini Khanth said he expected many traders to participate in the sale of Rahmah menu following the encouraging response so far.

"The number of traders participating in the Rahmah menu in Kedah is increasing our launch at the BRR in Tanah Merah (here), we received 100 applications from traders to offer the Rahmah menu," he told reporters after opening the Tanah Merah BRR here.

Affendi said the first 1,000 visitors to the bazaar will also receive an e-wallet worth RM20 each to help them with their purchases.

 On the supply of chicken eggs in Kedah, he said it is sufficient and that the unit has not received any complaints about a shortage of the supply or increase in the price of eggs during the fasting month so far.