Mps Urged To Monitor Pop Issues At Schools - Fahmi

14/04/2023 10:09 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, April 14 (Bernama) -- All MPs have been urged to monitor problems with Point of Presence (PoP) fiber optic facilities in every school in their constituencies and inform the Communications and Digital Ministry (KKD) to enable the issue of internet coverage to be resolved immediately.

Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil said his ministry wanted to ensure teachers and students had good internet infrastructure that will benefit teaching and learning.

“At the end of March, I officiated the PoP in Padang Terap, Kedah, where we have ensured the fibre optic network right to the school. Only (the PoP) from the entrance of the school into the school itself involves cost, as each school has a different layout.

“So I will inform all MPs to be aware of this issue to make internet problems a thing of the past for schools,” he said during the Cahaya Ramadan with Gardenia programme organized by Gardenia Bakeries here today.

He was reported saying in March that 55 rural schools in Kedah was equipped with PoP that would expand the fibre optic infrastructure coverage network for schools involved and its surrounding areas.

In other developments, Fahmi reminded Malaysians to verify the information they receive to determine if it was true or false before sharing.

“This is to ensure we do not be part of the spread of fake, untrue or slanderous information. We all need to be careful in receiving, informing or spreading information because it might lead to problems and we have to stop it,” he said.

On claims that 1 Syawal might be celebrated earlier than expected, he once again urged the public to wait for the official announcement by the Keeper of the Royal Seal.

“Don’t refer to WhatsApp, TikTok, Facebook or neighbours but follow the statement that will be issued or the announcement of the Keeper of the Royal Seal, Insya-Allah at 8 pm, Thursday next week,” he said.

Fahmi also presented RM200 "duit raya" from Gardenia in conjunction with Hari Raya celebrations to 50 families in need in the Lembah Pantai area.